Free Stuff
This page contains free, downloadable resources to help you in your Christian journey. There are companion workbooks (including flash cards) for the Memorize Scripture topics are listed first. Next you will find free desktop wallpaper graphics with great Bible verses included.
Right-click the file links and select "Save target as" to save the files to your computer. I hope these resources are a blessing to you!
Workbook Download Instructions
Click on one of the workbook images below
After it opens, press the Save icon to save the file to your PC
When printing, be aware that the flash cards are the last page
Flash cards print best on pre-cut business card paper, or use heavy paper and scissors to make your own

My Personal Tips
I use the Memorize Scripture - On the Go! methods when I am trying to memorize Bible verses. I combine these three learning tactics:
I record myself speaking the verse, then I make a CD of the verses repeated several times. I use this to practice in my car or while getting ready in the morning.
I write the verses out by hand on a piece of paper every so often. Typing them on a PC doesn't count!
I post the verses on my refrigerator and near my computers at home and work. This helps to remind me to practice them throughout the day.